Dark Side Of The Frame follows the life of teenage Skinhead wannabe, Susan Carlson. In this short solo piece we witness the destruction of a confused identity and discover the chaos caused when the desire to fit in with modern youth turns deadly sour. She said she wanted 'white boots and not black', but that could have been the biggest mistake imaginable.
"Prejudice, And violence, And even called a Nazi Fascist, By those who assume, Passing judgement in masses. Confusion in cultures, In what seems unrealistic, With fusion in races, Comes passion for fashion, And a sheer joy in music. But no Skin is true just on lyrics and beats, From the state of your hair to the shoes on your feet, We're priding ourselves on the quality of trend. Our essentials; Boots, Jeans, Shirts and braces, And a hair cut to blend. The importance of clothing and the struggle it faces; Our choices of laces and tight half inch braces. When parading our clobber on the streets and in public places, We're collared by police, In blue suits and metal boots, For having thuggish faces. No proof and no evidence, The police can't find traces; But of course we're found guilty, Cause all Skinheads are racists? Then we're thrown back into society, To learn and make changes, And to beg our past is excused. I became a Skinhead for fashion, And was wrongly accused. Now I'm branded for life." |
CAST Carleigh-Ann Portelli WRITER Carleigh-Ann Portelli LIGHTING TECHNICIAN Steve Owens SOUND TECHNICIAN Steve Owens VIDEO EDITOR Carleigh-Ann Portelli PRODUCER East 15 Acting School SPECIAL THANKS TO Claire Louise Portelli Montse Gili Andre Pink Steffany George |